Plastic Surgery
Abdominoplasty En Bloc Resection And Its Appl...
₹10,526 ₹11,080
Ablative And Non-Ablative Facial Rejuvenation...
₹23,103 ₹24,319
Aesthetic Otoplasty (Thomas Procedures In Fac...
₹1,496 ₹1,575
Atlas Of Reconstructive Breast Surgery With A...
₹16,247 ₹17,102
Bionic Human Health Promotion For People With...
₹17,660 ₹18,589
Botulinum Toxins In Clinical Aesthetic Practi...
₹16,365 ₹17,226
Cellulitis 2012 F E F From Diagnosis To Ther...
₹14,450 ₹15,210
Core Procedures In Plastic Surgery With Acces...
₹12,008 ₹12,640
Cosmetic & Reconstructive Breast Surgery, Wit...
₹12,610 ₹13,274
Cosmetic Facial Surgery 2Ed (Hb 2018)
₹21,192 ₹22,307
Essentials Of Plastic Surgery Q And A Compani...
₹7,030 ₹7,400
Facelift (Thomas Procedures In Facial Plastic...
₹1,496 ₹1,575
Facial Soft Tissue Reconstruction (Thomas Pro...
₹1,496 ₹1,575
Facial Surgery Plastic And Reconstructive 2 V...
₹37,240 ₹39,200
Flaps In Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery W...
₹19,426 ₹20,448