Catering And Hospitality
Larousse: On Pastry (Hb 2012)
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Leisure And Tourism
₹2,260 ₹2,379
Management By Menu, 4/E, Ex
₹2,180 ₹2,295
Professional Cooking, 7Th Edition
₹10,593 ₹11,150
Professional Management Of Housekeeping Opera...
₹2,370 ₹2,495
Space Tourism Adventures In Earth Orbit And B...
₹2,407 ₹2,534
Special Events: A New Generation And The Next...
₹6,637 ₹6,986
The Hospitalist Manual (Pb 2010)
₹2,822 ₹2,971
The Professional Chef, 8E : The Culinary Inst...
₹2,180 ₹2,295
The Restaurant From Concept To Operation 6Ed ...
₹7,767 ₹8,176
Tourism A Modern Synthesis 2E (Pb 2006)
₹5,405 ₹5,689
Tourism Reassessed Blight Or Blessing (Pb 200...
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Welcome To Hospitality An Introduction 2Ed (H...
₹14,122 ₹14,865