Catering And Hospitality
Bakery Products: Science And Technology (Pb 2...
₹1,135 ₹1,195
Capturing Long-Distance Travel
₹6,355 ₹6,689
Catering Management 4Ed (Hb 2013)
₹5,157 ₹5,428
Crisis Management In The Tourism Industry
₹5,101 ₹5,369
Dining Room & Banquet Management, 4E (Pb)
₹15,043 ₹15,835
Food And Beverage Cost Control, 3/E
₹5,294 ₹5,573
Hospitality Security Managing Security In Tod...
₹11,552 ₹12,160
Hotel Front Office Simulation: A Workbook An...
₹5,224 ₹5,499
Human Factors In Engineering And Design 7Ed (...
₹1,040 ₹1,095
Introduction To Hospitality, 2/E
₹6,569 ₹6,915
Introduction To Management In The Hospitality...
₹6,357 ₹6,692
Introduction To The Hospitality Industry, 6E
₹6,005 ₹6,321
Larousse: On Cooking (Hb 2012)
₹1,230 ₹1,295