Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics, Vol-1 (Hb)
₹4,813 ₹5,066
European Robotics Symposium 2008 (Hb)
₹16,054 ₹16,899
Experimental Methods In Heat Transfer And Flu...
₹10,589 ₹11,146
Extended Finite Element Method Theory And App...
₹10,650 ₹11,210
Fluid Mechanics 7Ed Si Version (Pb 2016)
₹949 ₹999
Fluid Mechanics With Engineering Applications...
₹1,040 ₹1,095
Fluid Structure Interactions:Slender Structur...
₹24,018 ₹25,282
Foundation Vibration Analysis A Strength Of M...
₹7,135 ₹7,510
Fracture & Fatigue Of Welded Joints & Structu...
₹17,307 ₹18,218
Friction And The Hot Rolling Of Steel (Pb 201...
₹6,641 ₹6,991