Civil engineering
Air Gas And Water Pollution Control Using Ind...
₹16,365 ₹17,226
Air Transport
₹8,477 ₹8,923
Airport Building Information Modelling (Hb 20...
₹6,641 ₹6,991
An Impulse And Earthquake Energy Balance Appr...
₹9,144 ₹9,625
An Introduction To Geological Structures & Ma...
₹3,179 ₹3,346
Analysis Design And Construction Of Foundatio...
₹12,514 ₹13,173
Analysis Of Shells And Plates (Hb 1988)
₹6,418 ₹6,756
Applied Hydrology (Pb 2017)
₹1,040 ₹1,095
Applied Mathematics In Hydrogeology (Hb 1998)
₹13,477 ₹14,186
Applying Ecological Principles To Land Manage...
₹9,632 ₹10,139
Artificial Intelligence In Geography
₹25,784 ₹27,141
Assessment Evaluation And Repair Of Concrete ...
₹10,108 ₹10,640